I recently returned from a five day men's retreat. It was run by the center for action and contemplation and their founder, Fr. Richard Rohr. I will post some of my insights and reflections on the retreat after marinating in them from awhile. Part of the experience consisted of spending a lot of time alone in the woods with five envelopes, each containing a truth that men (and in my estimation, women) need to learn. Here they are:
1. Life is Hard
you must know this in your belly, mind, and heart, and not waste time trying to make life easy for yourself.
2. You are going to die
The mortality and impremanence of your own life must become very real to you. Life here is limited and everything happening to you is a school for death. Everything is passing away.
We are all baptized into the death of Christ.
3. You are not that important
Humility is of central importance for human truth and happiness. You are of the earth (humus), your only dignity is that you are a human being beloved of God. Nothing else matters.
You owe respect to life, to creation, to others, to yourself, to God. But don't expect or demand that respect from others. You do not have the 'right' to anything except the rights the Gospel gives you: to love and forgive.
4. You are not in control
You will live with the illusion that you are-until God is able to lead you to the limits of your own resources. Then you might learn something utterly new and good: "In His will is our Peace" (Dante). Reality is in control, and you must let 'the actual' teach you.
It is a limited world, you are limited, as is all else and everybody else. Poor people learn this naturally, but we from the overdeveloped and 'white' world learn it very slowly, if at all. You must experience your own powerlessness before a true spiritual journey can begin.
5. Your life is not about you
The summary experience. You are about Life. You are a momentary instance of the suffering and resurrection of God. You are a small part of a much bigger mystery that is everywhere and always happening. Your job is to listen, obey, and adore, not calculate and manage your small life. Take your old head off, and put this one back on. It will change everything.