My brother, Matt, is living with us while working on his final part of his PhD. Matt and I went out with my friend, John, to a local pub. John is an atheist and Matt is earning his degree in Theology. John is an avowed conservative and Matt is a hardline liberal. John is from Dublin while Matt is from Dayton. Both Matt and John enjoy arguing. Needless to say, I thought it would be entertaining to get them together for some beers.
At the beginning of the evening, we spent what seemed like an hour discussing if the pint of beer in front of me was in fact a pint a beer and how we might prove it. The debate meanandered on. Four or five hours came and went and while no one changed the other's mind, viewpoints were exchanged at a more sophisticated and nuanced level than your average NPR or cable news show. Cheers to not knowing if the garbage, the fence, or the pint are real but plodding on anyhow.
I watched a biography on Einstein the other night...interesting at worst, enlightening at best. Anyway, even the great scientist agreed, "the greatest experience we can have is mystery." There were other great comments from his peers about how Einstein lacked a sense of time, a fear of time, and therefore a fear of death. He spent his life lost it work, as a child might be lost in a playground game.
the mystery is the pint and the argument between matt & john is being lost in play. can i get an amen!! does that mean they are not fearful of death?
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