"What will appear in the media are the values of competition, materialism, and consumerism. They have been ingrained into our psyches. Our minds have been colonized. We are inundated with media that communicate to us and our children the predominant values of our media. Essentially, the media values sex, violence, money, thin bodies, wine and beer, athletes, rock stars, rappers, and the beautiful rich and famous people. We live in a consumer society where it seems most people really worship at our malls and sports stadiums. It is difficult, if not impossible, to shelter our children and ourselves from these value, which are diametrically opposed to spiritual values. They are truly seductive.
It is scandalous that our children are bombarded by these false values. Americans are on the top of the heap of wealth in the world. Most will never worry about having enough food, clothing, or shelter. Most have more economic security than 99 percent of the people who have ever inhabited the planet. Yet the media gets us focusing on what we do not have."
Profound. Is it little wonder we have epidemic problems with self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. Marketing works and the message they sell us is that we aren't good enough. Our sense of self is constantly undermined.....unless we buy a new car, new kitchen, have more friends, the new shampoo, or the best TV. But that is an endless cycle. Buddhist call these beginningless desires hungry ghosts. The pictures of ghosts depict beings with large bellies but a tiny mouth. What they crave can never satisfy their hunger. No amount of 'stuff', status, or prestige will ever leave them (or us) content.
If only I have this or that or look like....then I'll be happy. One of the most successful assignments I completed with middle school students was an 'if only' poem. If only this or that would happen. They locked into and understood this state of mind instantaneously. Although age appropriate, continuing on such a path, as most of us in the west do, leads to grave consquences. As one teacher I like says, "Good beginnings make OK middles, and terrible endings." I hope I'm not still doing this when I'm in my....there it is again another if only...maybe everything is OK how it is right NOW?
It is scandalous that our children are bombarded by these false values. Americans are on the top of the heap of wealth in the world. Most will never worry about having enough food, clothing, or shelter. Most have more economic security than 99 percent of the people who have ever inhabited the planet. Yet the media gets us focusing on what we do not have."
Profound. Is it little wonder we have epidemic problems with self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. Marketing works and the message they sell us is that we aren't good enough. Our sense of self is constantly undermined.....unless we buy a new car, new kitchen, have more friends, the new shampoo, or the best TV. But that is an endless cycle. Buddhist call these beginningless desires hungry ghosts. The pictures of ghosts depict beings with large bellies but a tiny mouth. What they crave can never satisfy their hunger. No amount of 'stuff', status, or prestige will ever leave them (or us) content.
If only I have this or that or look like....then I'll be happy. One of the most successful assignments I completed with middle school students was an 'if only' poem. If only this or that would happen. They locked into and understood this state of mind instantaneously. Although age appropriate, continuing on such a path, as most of us in the west do, leads to grave consquences. As one teacher I like says, "Good beginnings make OK middles, and terrible endings." I hope I'm not still doing this when I'm in my....there it is again another if only...maybe everything is OK how it is right NOW?
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